Tehran, Iran - 1971

The Shahy­ad monu­ment built to rep­res­ent the Per­sian civil­iz­a­tion and cul­ture, forms a sym­bol­ic en­trance com­plex for Tehran. It has be­come the most sig­ni­fic­ant icon of the coun­try and an act­ive plaza for cel­eb­ra­tions, parades, cul­tur­al events and activ­it­ies . The plaza con­tains foun­tains and land­scap­ing in pat­terns sim­il­ar to tra­di­tion­al Per­sian gar­dens. The monu­ment built of on-site con­crete with sol­id marble as form­work and clad­ding. At the time (1971) the con­struc­tion tech­nique and use of com­puters to define its com­plex woven sur­faces was un­pre­ced­en­ted. It has been widely pub­lished, and is the most prom­in­ent gath­er­ing place in the cap­it­al city. Below the monument is a Museum displaying relics of the Persian civilisation

BBC Interview January.2016 (English)
IL Folgio January.2016 (Italian)
ArchDaily Classics Oct.2015 (English)
BBC Interview July.2009 (English)
Radio Zamaneh Interview July.2008 (Farsi)
BBC Interview October.2007 (Farsi)