Loudoun County VA, USA

Loc­ated ad­ja­cent to a res­id­en­tial area of the city of Loudoun, this cir­cu­lar build­ing gives the loc­al Baha’i com­munity a state of the art cen­ter for meet­ings, events and vari­ous com­munity gath­er­ings. The pro­ject is loc­ated at the in­ter­sec­tion of two ma­jor roads, Route 7 and Ster­ling Blvd.. With its cir­cu­lar lay­out and open­ings to all dir­ec­tions, it in­vites and wel­comes view­ers from all angles and per­spect­ives, al­ways in­vit­ing and wel­com­ing. This concept re­flects the ideas of the Baha’i Faith and demon­strates that the com­munity is open to every­one. The com­pact build­ing of­fers spaces for vari­ous func­tions such as the 400 seat mul­ti­func­tion­al hall, 12 classrooms, the ad­min­is­trat­ive of­fices, book­store, youth activ­ity room and a cafet­er­ia totaling 1 653 m² (17 800 ft²).

ClientNSA of the United State
LocationLoudoun County VA, USA
StatusCompleted 2007
Size17,800sqf (1650sqm)